If you’re looking for news about orthodontics or helpful resources to help you care for your smile with Invisalign or braces, you’ve found the perfect place! Welcome to the Wilson & Hendrickson Orthodontics blog.
At Wilson & Hendrickson Orthodontics, we understand that patients have many questions about the treatment process. We’re here to help, whether you’re a current patient or considering orthodontic treatment for you or your children in Topeka, KS, and surrounding areas.
Our orthodontists are happy to provide general oral health advice and orthodontic tips to help you on the path to a beautiful smile.
At Wilson & Hendrickson Orthodontics, we truly believe that everyone deserves a smile they’re proud to show off. That’s why we’re proud to provide high-quality orthodontic care to patients throughout the Topeka, KS, area. We strive to offer personalized service to our patients, designing personalized treatments that perfectly suit our patients’ unique needs and lifestyles.
We’re eager to work with you to find an orthodontic treatment that suits your needs. Get started with an in-office or virtual consultation today!
Wilson & Hendrickson Orthodontics is proud to serve Kansas with amazing orthodontic care, but there's so much more to tell about the WH story.
See for yourself! →