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Orthodontics Blog

If you’re looking for news about orthodontics or helpful resources to help you care for your smile with Invisalign or braces, you’ve found the perfect place! Welcome to the Wilson & Hendrickson Orthodontics blog.

Helpful Orthodontic Resources From Our Award-Winning Orthodontists

At Wilson & Hendrickson Orthodontics, we understand that patients have many questions about the treatment process. We’re here to help, whether you’re a current patient or considering orthodontic treatment for you or your children in Topeka, KS, and surrounding areas.

Our orthodontists are happy to provide general oral health advice and orthodontic tips to help you on the path to a beautiful smile.

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Our Blog

Invisalign Teen

As your choice for an orthodontist in Topeka, it’s our aim here at Wilson & Hendrickson Orthodontics to help all our patients achieve straighter and healthier smiles. With a wide variety of orthodontic treatments, including traditional metal braces, we’re more than capable of helping teenagers achieve their best smiles. However, the problem with traditional metal braces is that many teenagers…
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March 22, 2018
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Our Blog

Self-Improvement Month

At Wilson & Hendrickson Orthodontics, our Topeka clear braces, Invisalign, metal braces, and other orthodontic treatments all have the intended goal of helping you improve your smile. And ironically enough, September happens to be Self-Improvement Month! What better time to stop by and visit your Topeka, KS adult orthodontist to start on an orthodontic treatment plan that will improve your smile?…
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September 22, 2017
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Our Blog

Starting Orthodontic Treatment in the Summer

At Wilson & Hendrickson Orthodontics, we aim to do all we can to provide all of our patients with the most convenient orthodontic care possible. No matter what orthodontic treatment option you choose, we want to make sure that you receive the care that you deserve. While you may not realize it, one of the ways that you can improve the…
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July 19, 2017
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Our Blog

Happy National Children’s Dental Health Month

As your trusted source of orthodontics, we at Wilson & Hendrickson Orthodontics are glad to help you with all your orthodontic needs. If you’re in or around Topeka and looking for braces, clear braces, or Invisalign, we’re glad to provide you with our efficient orthodontic treatments in order to give you a healthy, lifelong smile. However, healthy smiles aren’t just achieved overnight.…
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March 21, 2017
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Our Blog

Flex Spending Accounts (FSAs)

Wilson & Hendrickson Orthodontics is proud to be your premier choice when it comes to Topeka Invisalign, braces, and other orthodontic treatments. We don’t just strive for the best when it comes to orthodontics – we want to do everything we can to make sure that all patients are able to receive affordable orthodontic care. We accept a number of different payment…
WH Logo Icon FullColor 150x150 - Blog | Topeka Orthodontist - WH Orthodontics
November 7, 2016


Meet The Doctors!

Come say hello to our two amazing orthodontists!


Meet the WH team!

Fun, friendly, welcoming — you'll love the WH team!


…and why it matters!

Learn why we say it's all about your experience!


We make people smile!

See some of the incredible orthodontic results from our Topeka, KS, patients!

Ready To Schedule A Consult?

At Wilson & Hendrickson Orthodontics, we truly believe that everyone deserves a smile they’re proud to show off. That’s why we’re proud to provide high-quality orthodontic care to patients throughout the Topeka, KS, area. We strive to offer personalized service to our patients, designing personalized treatments that perfectly suit our patients’ unique needs and lifestyles.

We’re eager to work with you to find an orthodontic treatment that suits your needs. Get started with an in-office or virtual consultation today!

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