Our clear braces are an effective, almost-invisible way to get an awesome smile. These ceramic braces offer the same beautiful results using less noticeable brackets. Enjoy your smile throughout your treatment!
Clear Ceramic Braces
With Clear Braces, You Can Enjoy Your Smile, Even During Orthodontic Treatment!
We offer clear braces as an effective, nearly invisible treatment option so our patients can enjoy their smiles from day one of their orthodontic journey.
Our clear braces are part of our high-tech braces systems. These braces yield incredible results and are more comfortable than traditional metal braces.
Why Would I Want Clear Braces?

Common Questions About Our Clear Braces
What Should I Know About Clear Braces vs Metal Braces?
Both our clear and metal braces offer amazing orthodontic results.
Clear braces include ceramic braces brackets that better match the natural color of your teeth. That makes them harder to see and a lot less noticeable than metal braces brackets.
Do Clear Braces Stain?
Our clear braces are made from a ceramic material that’s stain-resistant.
That’s not to say your clear braces can never stain. Over time, dark liquids like sodas, coffee, and some fruit and vegetable juices, as well as some foods like tomato sauces and dark fruits, may stain your clear braces, particularly if you do not brush your teeth after consuming them. Brushing after every meal and after consuming these foods and drinks can reduce the chances of staining your ceramic braces.
Will Clear Braces Take Longer To Work Than Metal Braces?
Clear braces have the same moving power as our metal braces!
That means clear braces will work with the same speed and power as metal braces. You can expect the same amount of treatment time with clear braces as you would with metal braces. You can also expect the same amazing results!
So Much More To The WH Orthodontics Story
Wilson & Hendrickson Orthodontics is proud to serve Kansas with amazing orthodontic care, but there's so much more to tell about the WH story.
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